Effects of Hashish Use

Hashish is composed of the compressed resins from the cannabis plant. Hashish can either be extracted from the plant through chemical processes or mechanical ones that strip the resin from the outside of the marijuana buds. Hashish is sold in compressed blocks, balls or bricks, and by the time they reach the consumer, may be small squares wrapped in aluminum foil.
Perhaps because of the legalization of marijuana in many states in the US, cannabis has a reputation for being fairly harmless. Of course, those in favor of legalization of this drug do not mention the more damaging effects of the drug.
The most well-known effect of hashish use is the same euphoric, drowsy, sedated effect of cannabis. But along with this comes a number of other effects:
Distortions of time and space. A person may not realize how much time has passed or how fast he or she is traveling and driving a car under the influence is dangerous. Cannabis is the most common drug found in the bodies of drivers who die in accidents, sometimes in combination with other drugs or alcohol.
These distortions also make it difficult to play sports, meaning that anyone who is athletic may not maintain their prior level of accomplishment if they start smoking hashish.
An unmotivated, “I don’t care” attitude is common among hashish smokers. This attitude can lead a person to give up activities and interests that were important to him or her before, such as a young person giving up a college education or a career.
The reduced ability to understand what is read or heard and therefore learn, solve problems or concentrate that is common to hashish smokers would impair anyone’s ability to complete an education.
Hashish is addictive, as is cannabis. Addiction shows up as time and energy spent acquiring and using the drug or recovering from its use despite the damage being done to one’s goals, relationships, legal status, health, finances or life in general.
Hashish can be quite psychologically addictive as well as physically. By that is meant a person is dependent on the way it makes them feel. He or she uses it to relieve stress or eliminate the need to deal with real-life problems. Instead, they can just indulge in the euphoria, drowsiness, and relaxation.
Hashish and Pregnancy
Women who were chronic hashish users during pregnancy have a higher than normal number of stillborn births and early termination of their pregnancies. A higher number of babies of cannabis-using women die in the first few days of life, while the causes of this effect are not yet known.
Among test animals given tetrahydrocannabinol (THC - the intoxicating ingredient of cannabis), there were more malformations of the brain, spinal cord, liver, and legs than among other animals not given the drug. In some other tests, there were more gross birth defects and fetal deaths.
It is now also beginning to look like cannabis use by either parent leads to specific birth defects of the baby’s hands or feet. Cannabis-using parents also have underweight babies more frequently.
Side Effects of Cannabis or Hashish Use
In the case of hashish, undesirable side effects include:
- Disorientation
- Impaired learning
- Fluctuating emotions
- Dulling of attention despite the person feeling that he or she has special insight
- Psychotic episodes
- Fatigue
- Paranoia
- Reduced coordination
- Lung damage including bronchitis, coughing, and congestion from smoking
See also: Signs and symptoms of Hashish Use
If hashish users consume too much of the drug, they can suffer from anxiety or panic, paranoia, heavy sedation resulting in an inability to move, confusion and unpleasant distortions in their perceptions of their own bodies.
Drug Rehab Can Put Hashish Users on the Road to a Brighter Future
The Narconon program is different. It is not a 28-day program and does not use substitute drugs. It is not a drug-based program. It does not require faith or belief.
Substance abuse treatment for drug abuse must work holistically for it to have a lasting effect. In other words, it must treat the damaging effects of substance abuse on the body but then it must also help the addict learn how to build a new drug-free life, sometimes from the ground up, when addiction has destroyed everything.
A thorough detoxification followed by counseling and life skills training enable a person in a drug program to see things in a whole new light so they can live an enjoyable, productive life again. This is the way the Narconon drug and alcohol rehabilitation program works. The goal of the program is a drug-free individual.
If you care for someone who is trapped in using hashish, find out how Narconon can help.